
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
15 Minutes of FAB: Food and Your Mood: Its Impacts on Mental Health
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
In this episode of 15 Minutes of FAB, Dr. Shirley Madhere reads an article posted on her blog about food and mental health!
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine. Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in- office, virtually, and online via Clicklift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,” Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Produced by www.oneofoneproductions.com
Recorded, mixed, edited and original music by www.23dbproductions.com
Podcast Medical Disclaimer
The purpose of this podcast is to educate and inform. It is no substitute for professional care by your doctor or your own qualified healthcare professional.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this podcast or in any linked materials.
Guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Dr. Shirley Madhere neither endorses nor opposes any particular opinion discussed in this podcast.
The views expressed on this podcast have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, practice, institution or other entity with which Dr. Shirley Madhere may be affiliated.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Call to Action:
The Museum at FIT is rich in color, fashion history, and fashionable art. I encourage you to visit as often as you can. The current exhibition is “Minimalism/Maximalism” that defines the two extremes along the design spectrum.
This week’s F.A.B. Five: according to Dr. Steele:
1. Be happy in the moment; be grateful for the present;
2. Be nice to others;
3. Do something meaningful to you;
4. Invest in your love relationships;
5. Dress up every day as if you’re going to meet someone important; dress to meet the day!
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
“House Rule #1: Honor Your Inner Deity.” - Part 2
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Of a multicultural background, Chef Nicole Layog is having a moment—and a good one! She has been in law enforcement in Florida and also on season 24 of Big Brother. She is now a private chef who is living her best life. She joins me on the Forever FAB podcast to discuss what it means to take a leap of faith, again and again.
Chef Nicole Layog joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss highlights from her most recent book.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Chef Nicole on social: @thebutchergoddess11.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
“House Rule #1: Honor Your Inner Deity.” - Part 1
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Of a multicultural background, Chef Nicole Layog is having a moment—and a good one! She has been in law enforcement in Florida and also on season 24 of Big Brother. She is now a private chef who is living her best life. She joins me on the Forever FAB podcast to discuss what it means to take a leap of faith, again and again.
Chef Nicole Layog joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss highlights from her most recent book.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Chef Nicole on social: @thebutchergoddess11.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
“The Illusion of The Safety Net: Pulling Our Own Weight and Theirs.” - Part 2
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
She is a professor of sociology, an author, a researcher, and a mother. Jessica Calarco has a unique and enlightening perspective on society and women’s role in it.
She is also an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an award-winning teacher, a leading expert on inequalities in family life and education, and the author of a number of books, including the most recent Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net, which is the basis of this FFAB podcast interview.
She is prolific. Jessica’s compendium is impressive and erudite. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including the NY Times, The Atlantic, CNN, The Washington Post, NBC, multiple podcasts, and NPR.
Jessica joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss highlights from her most recent book.
Social safety net
DIY society
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Learn more about Jessica Calarco and her books at https://www.jessicacalarco.com/.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Fashion & Beauty Credits: *Please tag fashion credits in all photos.
Video backdrop: Anyvoo
Fashion: jumpsuit by Alex Mills
Glasses: Blue light blockers: Look Optic
Beauty: skincare by Dr. Shirley Madhere
Makeup: n/a

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
“The Illusion of The Safety Net: Pulling Our Own Weight and Theirs.” - Part 1
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
She is a professor of sociology, an author, a researcher, and a mother. Jessica Calarco has a unique and enlightening perspective on society and women’s role in it.
She is also an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an award-winning teacher, a leading expert on inequalities in family life and education, and the author of a number of books, including the most recent Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net, which is the basis of this FFAB podcast interview.
She is prolific. Jessica’s compendium is impressive and erudite. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including the NY Times, The Atlantic, CNN, The Washington Post, NBC, multiple podcasts, and NPR.
Jessica joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss highlights from her most recent book.
Social safety net
DIY society
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Learn more about Jessica Calarco and her books at https://www.jessicacalarco.com/.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Fashion & Beauty Credits: *Please tag fashion credits in all photos.
Video backdrop: Anyvoo
Fashion: jumpsuit by Alex Mills
Glasses: Blue light blockers: Look Optic
Beauty: skincare by Dr. Shirley Madhere
Makeup: n/a

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Beauty News You Can Use: Spirulina
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
I’m a proponent of eating well for better skin health. Some new research adds another ingredient to the mix.
A recent new study claims that spirulina may help improve deep skin hydration.
Skin hydration
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Beauty’s Intelligence: How Skin Care Promotes Mental Well Being
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
It isn’t only to help keep your skin clean, care of your skin—your face and all over— should be a part of your well-being routine.
On today’s 15FAB on the FFAB podcast, I’ll be talking about how skin care is a part of wellness and why it should be part of your wellness ritual.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
“Redesign Your Life: The Choice Is Yours.” - Part 2
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
This episode is named after a book by Eric Maisel, PhD that I am currently reading. From the initial chapters, I can tell you that it is about changing not only what you think, but also how you think, using the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. On the back jacket of the book, the author includes information that will ultimately do the following:
“∙ increase your creativity
∙ reduce your anxiety
∙ heal from past trauma
∙ achieve emotional well-being, and
∙ live your life purpose.”
Some people need a book to help guide them on such a transformational learning experience. Other people live it and just seem to figure out how to get through it.
My guest on today’s episode of the FFAB podcast is such a person.
I honestly do not remember where Carmelina Baccari and I first met. It must have been through socializing somewhere among mutual friends.
She and I bumped into each other recently at a wedding—of a mutual friend that neither one of us knew that we shared.
Carmelina and I chatted briefly, and I knew that hers is a story that must be told—boldly and widely. It is a tale of redesign, reformation, and resilience. It is also one of choice, healing, self-love, and the paradox of losing yourself to re-create yourself.
Carmelina joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss healing, self-love, and the paradox of losing yourself to re-create yourself.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
To find out about Carmelina’s services, visit https://www.carmelinabaccari.com. Visit the same site if you or someone you know may benefit from joining Cancer Warriors, a community of women collectively supporting each other on a journey of growth and healing.
You may also follow her on social: @carmelinabaccari.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
“Redesign Your Life: The Choice Is Yours.” - Part 1
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
This episode is named after a book by Eric Maisel, PhD that I am currently reading. From the initial chapters, I can tell you that it is about changing not only what you think, but also how you think, using the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. On the back jacket of the book, the author includes information that will ultimately do the following:
“∙ increase your creativity
∙ reduce your anxiety
∙ heal from past trauma
∙ achieve emotional well-being, and
∙ live your life purpose.”
Some people need a book to help guide them on such a transformational learning experience. Other people live it and just seem to figure out how to get through it.
My guest on today’s episode of the FFAB podcast is such a person.
I honestly do not remember where Carmelina Baccari and I first met. It must have been through socializing somewhere among mutual friends.
She and I bumped into each other recently at a wedding—of a mutual friend that neither one of us knew that we shared.
Carmelina and I chatted briefly, and I knew that hers is a story that must be told—boldly and widely. It is a tale of redesign, reformation, and resilience. It is also one of choice, healing, self-love, and the paradox of losing yourself to re-create yourself.
Carmelina joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss healing, self-love, and the paradox of losing yourself to re-create yourself.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
To find out about Carmelina’s services, visit https://www.carmelinabaccari.com. Visit the same site if you or someone you know may benefit from joining Cancer Warriors, a community of women collectively supporting each other on a journey of growth and healing.
You may also follow her on social: @carmelinabaccari.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
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In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.