
23 minutes ago
23 minutes ago
On this episode of 15FAB on the FFAB podcast, I’ll explore some scientific date that strongly suggests that the perception of beauty is not only emotional and deeply human, but also a brain function.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
"Flight School: How to look and feel fabulous whilst traveling."
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
- The CDC recommends that if traveling west, try to go to bed 1-2 hours later than your island time.
- The CDC recommends that if traveling east, try to go to bed 1-2 hours earlier than usual.
- The CDC recommends that if traveling to a time zone where there is at least a 3-hour difference from your normal time zone— you should follow the sleep and waking routines of your destination.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
“The Beauty of Caring: The New IQ Is Environmental Intelligence.” - Part 2
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Hailing from Toronto, and now based in Paris, Nora has traveled the world in search of best practices of how to care best for each other.
Passionate about sustainability, after much observation and research, she developed the E.I (Environmental Intelligence) principles and the E.I training program.
In 2004, She joined the French Embassy in Canada as a Senior Attaché covering the environmental and the renewable energy sector. She then joined the France International Investment Agency in 2008 (based in New York City). In the midst of the financial crisis, she lead an internal campaign promoting sustainable investments strategies.
As an expert in sustainability, Nora was named the Chief Representative for the City of London in France in 2018. In this role, she developed a multifaceted positive impact strategy redefining London’s new long term ambition. As a result of her efforts, a post-Brexit strategy focused on sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, and tech for good.
Over the years, She has managed to champion sustainable development strategies within businesses, both large and small, while addressing carbon neutrality, soil regeneration and anti-waste laws at the institutional level.
In addition, Nora is a writer, writing articles for Medium, and the leading New York based sustainability publication Conscious Magazine. She is a public speaker and the Founder of Who CAREs Chronicles.
Established in 2006, Who Cares Chronicles empowers individuals & organizations through training and strategic guidance to unlock the potential of Environmental Intelligence (EI).
This flagship program is informed by 30 years of experience in Indigenous knowledge and expertise that is merged with modern science, tech, and academia. It mission is to equip participants to navigate the ecological and social shift by future-proofing businesses, fostering sustainable urban development, managing climate risks, safeguarding biodiversity, optimizing resource use, and becoming effective environmental leaders.
In 2020, Nora was named Leaders for Climate Action.
WHo CAREs!? Chronicles creates and provides services that are focused on good corporate and/or community driven practices, with the objective to inspire and duplicate sustainable and regenerative practices in the corporate world and beyond -- from urban agriculture, inclusivity, education, diversity, mindfulness programs and much more. The program is offers a new and more informed level of CSR-- Corporate Social Responsibility.
According to AI results on the web, Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that considers a company's impact on society and the environment. It's also known as corporate citizenship.
In general, CSR involves:
Ethical behavior: Companies should be transparent and ethical in their operations.
Sustainable practices: Companies should adopt practices that reduce their environmental impact.
Stakeholder engagement: Companies should consider the needs of their customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
Legal compliance: Companies should follow the law and international norms.
Some specific examples of CSR include but are not limited to:
Reducing waste, carbon emissions, and resource consumption
Implementing recycling and water conservation programs
Offering environmentally-friendly products
Donating to nonprofits
Nora has, indeed, created a new lexicon by curating and promoting sustainable and regenerative good practices in the corporate world and beyond.
From her perspective, Curating Caring, Sustainability and Regeneration are the long lasting values behind the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Nora joins me today via Streamyard to discuss environmental intelligence, the climate, the ripple effect, and how we all need to care.
Corporate citizenship
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Nora on social: @whocareschronicles and @thequeenofcare.
For more information about Nora and how you can care about the environment, please visit www.theenvironmentalintelligence.com and www.whocareschronicles.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Useful Links:

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
“The Beauty of Caring: The New IQ Is Environmental Intelligence.” - Part 1
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Hailing from Toronto, and now based in Paris, Nora has traveled the world in search of best practices of how to care best for each other.
Passionate about sustainability, after much observation and research, she developed the E.I (Environmental Intelligence) principles and the E.I training program.
In 2004, She joined the French Embassy in Canada as a Senior Attaché covering the environmental and the renewable energy sector. She then joined the France International Investment Agency in 2008 (based in New York City). In the midst of the financial crisis, she lead an internal campaign promoting sustainable investments strategies.
As an expert in sustainability, Nora was named the Chief Representative for the City of London in France in 2018. In this role, she developed a multifaceted positive impact strategy redefining London’s new long term ambition. As a result of her efforts, a post-Brexit strategy focused on sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, and tech for good.
Over the years, She has managed to champion sustainable development strategies within businesses, both large and small, while addressing carbon neutrality, soil regeneration and anti-waste laws at the institutional level.
In addition, Nora is a writer, writing articles for Medium, and the leading New York based sustainability publication Conscious Magazine. She is a public speaker and the Founder of Who CAREs Chronicles.
Established in 2006, Who Cares Chronicles empowers individuals & organizations through training and strategic guidance to unlock the potential of Environmental Intelligence (EI).
This flagship program is informed by 30 years of experience in Indigenous knowledge and expertise that is merged with modern science, tech, and academia. It mission is to equip participants to navigate the ecological and social shift by future-proofing businesses, fostering sustainable urban development, managing climate risks, safeguarding biodiversity, optimizing resource use, and becoming effective environmental leaders.
In 2020, Nora was named Leaders for Climate Action.
WHo CAREs!? Chronicles creates and provides services that are focused on good corporate and/or community driven practices, with the objective to inspire and duplicate sustainable and regenerative practices in the corporate world and beyond -- from urban agriculture, inclusivity, education, diversity, mindfulness programs and much more. The program is offers a new and more informed level of CSR-- Corporate Social Responsibility.
According to AI results on the web, Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that considers a company's impact on society and the environment. It's also known as corporate citizenship.
In general, CSR involves:
Ethical behavior: Companies should be transparent and ethical in their operations.
Sustainable practices: Companies should adopt practices that reduce their environmental impact.
Stakeholder engagement: Companies should consider the needs of their customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
Legal compliance: Companies should follow the law and international norms.
Some specific examples of CSR include but are not limited to:
Reducing waste, carbon emissions, and resource consumption
Implementing recycling and water conservation programs
Offering environmentally-friendly products
Donating to nonprofits
Nora has, indeed, created a new lexicon by curating and promoting sustainable and regenerative good practices in the corporate world and beyond.
From her perspective, Curating Caring, Sustainability and Regeneration are the long lasting values behind the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Nora joins me today via Streamyard to discuss environmental intelligence, the climate, the ripple effect, and how we all need to care.
Corporate citizenship
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Nora on social: @whocareschronicles and @thequeenofcare.
For more information about Nora and how you can care about the environment, please visit www.theenvironmentalintelligence.com and www.whocareschronicles.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Useful Links:

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
“Supreme Beauty: Iconic Women and How to Lead Like One.” - Part Two
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Part 2 with Marcellas Reynolds who is an American actor, author, documentarian, and television host!
His notable television appearances include:
Access Hollywood,
E! Live from the Red Carpet,
The Bold and the Beautiful,
Supreme Models, and
Yes, Dear.
He began his television career in 2002 on CBS's hit television series Big Brother season three, and he has kept it moving since then!
His writing has appeared in:
Chicago magazine,
The Guardian,
and L.A. Style Magazine.
Marcellas is also the author of Supreme Models: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Fashion .
He has also penned:
Supreme Actresses: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Hollywood,
Supreme Sirens: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Music.
He is the executive producer of Supreme Models, the documentary.
Marcellas was born in Chicago, Illinois.
In 1994, he was discovered while waiting tables, this launching his modelling career.
He went on to be represented by Ford Models, Beatrice Models in Milan, and Goodfellas Model Agency in London.
He also modeled for the GAP, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, and the photographers Norman Jean Roy and Bruce Weber.
In 2000, while modeling in New York, Marcellas began working as a fashion stylist.
His list of advertising clientele includes H&M, Kohl's, Lord & Taylor, and Macy's.
His editorial work has appeared in British GQ, InStyle, and British Vogue.
His list of past clientele includes Rebecca Hall, Jayma Mays, David Schwimmer, Sharon Stone, and Justin Timberlake.
In 2002, Marcellas began his career as an entertainment reporter and television host working for BET, CBS, E!, FOX, and the Style Network.
And he’s not done yet!
Marcellas joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss fashion, entertainment, style, and how to be iconic.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Feeling Supreme? Buy the series of books-- Sirens, Models, and actresses-- on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
“Supreme Beauty: Iconic Women and How to Lead Like One.” - Part One
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Marcellas Reynolds is an American actor, author, documentarian, and television host.
His notable television appearances include:
Access Hollywood,
E! Live from the Red Carpet,
The Bold and the Beautiful,
Supreme Models, and
Yes, Dear.
He began his television career in 2002 on CBS's hit television series Big Brother season three, and he has kept it moving since then!
His writing has appeared in:
Chicago magazine,
The Guardian,
and L.A. Style Magazine.
Marcellas is also the author of Supreme Models: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Fashion .
He has also penned:
Supreme Actresses: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Hollywood,
Supreme Sirens: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Music.
He is the executive producer of Supreme Models, the documentary.
Marcellas was born in Chicago, Illinois.
In 1994, he was discovered while waiting tables, this launching his modelling career.
He went on to be represented by Ford Models, Beatrice Models in Milan, and Goodfellas Model Agency in London.
He also modeled for the GAP, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, and the photographers Norman Jean Roy and Bruce Weber.
In 2000, while modeling in New York, Marcellas began working as a fashion stylist.
His list of advertising clientele includes H&M, Kohl's, Lord & Taylor, and Macy's.
His editorial work has appeared in British GQ, InStyle, and British Vogue.
His list of past clientele includes Rebecca Hall, Jayma Mays, David Schwimmer, Sharon Stone, and Justin Timberlake.
In 2002, Marcellas began his career as an entertainment reporter and television host working for BET, CBS, E!, FOX, and the Style Network.
And he’s not done yet!
Marcellas joins me today via Streamyard on the Forever FAB Podcast to discuss fashion, entertainment, style, and how to be iconic.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Feeling Supreme? Buy the series of books-- Sirens, Models, and actresses-- on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
“Loving Your Relationship with Self after Transformative Experiences.” - Part 2
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
When I met Keni, I knew that there was something special about her. When I heard part of her story, and listened to how impassioned she is about certain topics, I knew there was something extraordinary about her!
Keni Silva is a multi-talented American model of Russian heritage, a TV personality, film investor, real estate professional, certified divorce coach, and philanthropist.
A red carpet darling, she has graced numerous international events, and has also received acclaimed press for her fashion style and beauty savvy in Vanity Fair, Forbes, WWD, Vogue, Page Six, Daily Mail, InStyle, People and other notable outlets.
Keni is deeply committed to philanthropy, serving on the board of the Children’s Oncology Support Fund (COSF) and supporting such charitable organizations including Baby2Baby, Second Harvest Food Bank, Visionary Women, Women Cancer Research Fund and more.
She is, quite obviously, a giver. This requires deep compassion.
It is this compassion that has led her, in part, to write a book. Keni is also the author of Divorce As An Opportunity, a transformative guide designed to reshape the narrative surrounding divorce, and to help empower women to emerge from self-abandonment and reclaim their goddess-ness.
Keni joins me today via Streamyard to discuss transformation, opportunity, and how, with the right mindset, when one door closes, you may open many others.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Keni on social: @KeniSilva_. You may also support the charities she supports. Check out foreverfabpodcast.com for the links.
And of course, please purchase her book, Divorce As An Opportunity on amamzon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Useful Links:

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
“Loving Your Relationship with Self after Transformative Experiences.” - Part 1
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
When I met Keni, I knew that there was something special about her. When I heard part of her story, and listened to how impassioned she is about certain topics, I knew there was something extraordinary about her!
Keni Silva is a multi-talented American model of Russian heritage, a TV personality, film investor, real estate professional, certified divorce coach, and philanthropist.
A red carpet darling, she has graced numerous international events, and has also received acclaimed press for her fashion style and beauty savvy in Vanity Fair, Forbes, WWD, Vogue, Page Six, Daily Mail, InStyle, People and other notable outlets.
Keni is deeply committed to philanthropy, serving on the board of the Children’s Oncology Support Fund (COSF) and supporting such charitable organizations including Baby2Baby, Second Harvest Food Bank, Visionary Women, Women Cancer Research Fund and more.
She is, quite obviously, a giver. This requires deep compassion.
It is this compassion that has led her, in part, to write a book. Keni is also the author of Divorce As An Opportunity, a transformative guide designed to reshape the narrative surrounding divorce, and to help empower women to emerge from self-abandonment and reclaim their goddess-ness.
Keni joins me today via Streamyard to discuss transformation, opportunity, and how, with the right mindset, when one door closes, you may open many others.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Keni on social: @KeniSilva_. You may also support the charities she supports. Check out foreverfabpodcast.com for the links.
And of course, please purchase her book, Divorce As An Opportunity on amamzon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.
Useful Links:

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
“Going for Gold: How to Become The One You Want to Be.” - Part 2
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
I’ve known her as a fitness model, photographer, sorority sister, and, of course, friend. Recently, when I met Regina at an art luncheon, I caught up with her to ask what was new and FABulous in her life. She then produced a photo which lead to this podcast interview.
Regina became a runner, and a very serious one. She has completed 16 in-person marathons, one virtual marathon, 30+ half marathons, and more than 100 other races—and she finished every single one—rain or shine, in sickness and in health, with or without injury.
Regina Fleming holds certifications as an RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) running coach, a personal and group trainer, a behavioral specialist, and in women’s fitness.
Regina joins me today via Streamyard to discuss grit, transformation, #winning, and how running may help you achieve life success.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Plant Kween on social: @plantkween.
You may also buy the book, You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden, on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
“Going for Gold: How to Become The One You Want to Be.” - Part 1
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
I’ve known her as a fitness model, photographer, sorority sister, and, of course, friend. Recently, when I met Regina at an art luncheon, I caught up with her to ask what was new and FABulous in her life. She then produced a photo which lead to this podcast interview.
Regina became a runner, and a very serious one. She has completed 16 in-person marathons, one virtual marathon, 30+ half marathons, and more than 100 other races—and she finished every single one—rain or shine, in sickness and in health, with or without injury.
Regina Fleming holds certifications as an RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) running coach, a personal and group trainer, a behavioral specialist, and in women’s fitness.
Regina joins me today via Streamyard to discuss grit, transformation, #winning, and how running may help you achieve life success.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Plant Kween on social: @plantkween.
You may also buy the book, You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden, on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.