
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
The Annual FFAB Year in Review: 2024 - Part 2
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
The past, the present, and the future
Episode Title:
The Annual FFAB Year in Review
Episode Teaser/Topic
It’s that time of year, again. Let’s go!
Full Episode Description:
William Shakespeare said, "Our past is a prologue."
So, we may be wise to pay attention to our past, as it may be an introduction of what lies ahead ed in our future.
There are also a few sayings about the past and how it may influence the future.
"Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times."
"We can't change our past, but we can learn from it."
"The future is shaped by the choices we make today, which are influenced by the experiences of yesterday."
There is interconnectedness among our past, present and future.
What we live through in our past may help to inform the perspectives we shape and experiences we attract in our future.
So, while we may only control our behaviors and may change only ourselves, I review the events of 2024 to remember what we may learn from in our quest to live a more Beautiful and FABulous life. (This content was directly sourced, quoted and adapted from Wikipedia.com.)
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Stay present to all things. Remember the past, but do not stay in it. Live in the present, and plan for the future with flexibility, openness, and a sense of humor.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
The Annual FFAB Year in Review: 2024 - Part 1
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
The past, the present, and the future
Episode Title:
The Annual FFAB Year in Review
Episode Teaser/Topic
It’s that time of year, again. Let’s go!
Full Episode Description:
William Shakespeare said, "Our past is a prologue."
So, we may be wise to pay attention to our past, as it may be an introduction of what lies ahead ed in our future.
There are also a few sayings about the past and how it may influence the future.
"Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times."
"We can't change our past, but we can learn from it."
"The future is shaped by the choices we make today, which are influenced by the experiences of yesterday."
There is interconnectedness among our past, present and future.
What we live through in our past may help to inform the perspectives we shape and experiences we attract in our future.
So, while we may only control our behaviors and may change only ourselves, I review the events of 2024 to remember what we may learn from in our quest to live a more Beautiful and FABulous life. (This content was directly sourced, quoted and adapted from Wikipedia.com.)
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Stay present to all things. Remember the past, but do not stay in it. Live in the present, and plan for the future with flexibility, openness, and a sense of humor.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Locks and Keys
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
I learned about a poet this week. Warsan Shire. She is a British writer, poet, editor, and teacher who was born to Somali parents in Kenya. She migrated with her family to the United Kingdom at the age of one.
According to Wikipedia, Shire has read her works in various artistic venues throughout the world, including in the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, North America, South Africa, and Kenya.
Her poems have been published in various literary publications, and have been translated into a number of languages, including Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, and Estonian.
Her poetry was also featured prominently in Beyoncé's 2016 feature-length film Lemonade "For Women Who Are Difficult to Love," and again in Beyonce’s 2020 musical film “Black Is King.”
Shire published her first full-length poetry collection, Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head: Poems, on 1 March 2022.
For me, her words can be dark, hard, heavy, provocative, surprising even. Yet, her work conjures up that inner strength and grit that we sometimes forget that lies within.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Fully Charged: Are We Electric or Magnetic?
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
You may be well aware that, as humans, we are electric. “As our bodies generate electrical currents due to the movement of charged particles within our cells, this creates a small electrical field around us.
However, because a moving electrical charge creates a magnetic field, we can also be considered to have a very weak magnetic field associated with us, making us essentially "electromagnetic" in nature.”
Let’s explore how our “charges” affect our daily lives—and our future.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
A Sample of What Is to Come
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
I am hopeful and excited about my upcoming project. After you listen to this episode of 15 FAB on the FFAB podcast, let me know your thoughts. The project is still a work in progress!
Holistic Plastic Surgery
Golden Ratio
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
How to Manage Uncertainty
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Knowing how to move through uncertain times with grace and ease is a form of self-care. Here are some ways to stay resilient and well.
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
Did you learn something today? Did this episode make you feel something today? Share positively on social what resonated with you most using one word and tag the FFAB Podcast.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
“Green with Gratitude: Plants and Our Well-Being.” - Part 2
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Born and raised in West Philadelphia, now residing in Brooklyn, NY, Christopher Griffin is a self-described plant enthusiast, collector and community builder, better known as “Plant Kween.”
As a personal method of self-care, joy-sharing, and community-building, Christopher’s mission is to continue to build a diverse online community of diverse green-lovers, and share the joy + happiness plants can bring into one’s life.
Christopher is an influencer, fashionista, an avid indoor gardener, and author of You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden.
She says, her mission is about “providing opportunities for folks to learn about the wonders and beauty that is indoor gardening," An HGTV online interview states that Plant Kween believes in the power of plants and their ability to offer introspection, self-care and reflection.
Christopher joins me today via Streamyard to discuss the power of plants and how to build community and self-care with them.
Gender expression
Green girls
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Plant Kween on social: @plantkween.
You may also buy the book, You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden, on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
“Green with Gratitude: Plants and Our Well-Being.” - Part 1
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Born and raised in West Philadelphia, now residing in Brooklyn, NY, Christopher Griffin is a self-described plant enthusiast, collector and community builder, better known as “Plant Kween.”
As a personal method of self-care, joy-sharing, and community-building, Christopher’s mission is to continue to build a diverse online community of diverse green-lovers, and share the joy + happiness plants can bring into one’s life.
Christopher is an influencer, fashionista, an avid indoor gardener, and author of You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden.
She says, her mission is about “providing opportunities for folks to learn about the wonders and beauty that is indoor gardening," An HGTV online interview states that Plant Kween believes in the power of plants and their ability to offer introspection, self-care and reflection.
Christopher joins me today via Streamyard to discuss the power of plants and how to build community and self-care with them.
Gender expression
Green girls
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Plant Kween on social: @plantkween.
You may also buy the book, You Grow, Gurl! Plant Kween's Lush Guide to Growing Your Garden, on amazon.com.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
Did you learn anything new?
Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
“Forever Fierce—Fashion As Self-Expression.” - Part 2
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
As quoted on Wikipedia, “Georgine is a women's ready-to-wear brand founded by the designer Georgine Ratelband in New York City.
Even before completing her graduation from design school in 2011, her thesis-collection of designs was acquired by a boutique in Antwerp, Belgium and was presented at New York Fashion Week. The designs have been featured in Women's Wear Daily, W Magazine and Vogue Italia.
Since then Georgine Ratelband’s clothing has adorned numerous celebrities including: Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Cardi B, Demi Moore, Alicia Keys, Bella Hadid, Lena Dunham, The Kardashians, Tracey Ellis Ross, Zendaya, Mariah Carey, Patina Miller, Elizabeth Gilles, Sarah Rafferty, Victoria's Secret Models; Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Romee Strijd, and others.”
I have come to befriend the designer—and yes, to become a fan of her work!
Georgine comes from a legacy of art, where feminine beauty and energy embody each piece.
She, herself, is a full of zest, strong, and FABulous.
She joins me today via Streamyard to discuss how whom you are makes the fashion, rather than fashion making the person.
Tell Your Story
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Georgine on social: @georginestudio, and shop Georgine.com.
Our guest is graciously offering a 10% discount for our listeners if you use the code: ForeverFAB (one word) in an email.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
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In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
“Forever Fierce—Fashion As Self-Expression.” - Part 1
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
As quoted on Wikipedia, “Georgine is a women's ready-to-wear brand founded by the designer Georgine Ratelband in New York City.
Even before completing her graduation from design school in 2011, her thesis-collection of designs was acquired by a boutique in Antwerp, Belgium and was presented at New York Fashion Week. The designs have been featured in Women's Wear Daily, W Magazine and Vogue Italia.
Since then Georgine Ratelband’s clothing has adorned numerous celebrities including: Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Cardi B, Demi Moore, Alicia Keys, Bella Hadid, Lena Dunham, The Kardashians, Tracey Ellis Ross, Zendaya, Mariah Carey, Patina Miller, Elizabeth Gilles, Sarah Rafferty, Victoria's Secret Models; Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Romee Strijd, and others.”
I have come to befriend the designer—and yes, to become a fan of her work!
Georgine comes from a legacy of art, where feminine beauty and energy embody each piece.
She, herself, is a full of zest, strong, and FABulous.
She joins me today via Streamyard to discuss how whom you are makes the fashion, rather than fashion making the person.
Tell Your Story
About The Host:
Dr. Shirley Madhere is a NYC-based plastic surgeon and Founder of Holistic Plastic Surgery. This philosophy is based on a whole-body, mind, and spirit approach to beauty and incorporates wellness, integrative nutrition, functional aesthetics, and complementary medicine.
Dr. Madhere’s approach to optimal outcomes in plastic surgery is through a lens of wellness, and is grounded in science and backed by ivy league medical study, research, and extensive surgical training. View her menu of services at ElementsandGraces.com. Consultations are available in-office, virtually, and online via Click-lift.com.
Coming soon: Dr. Madhere offers beauty on call services through Jet Set Beauty Rx, a mobile medical aesthetics unit delivering beauty in the privacy of your own home. Reserve at JetSetBeautyRx.com.
About This Podcast:
As a creative outlet and means to broaden the perspective on the “spectrum of beauty,”
Dr. Madhere created Forever F.A.B., a podcast dedicated to Fashion, the Art of living well (i.e., wellness), and all things Beauty. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com for past and new episodes: https://www.foreverfabpodcast.com/ .
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to Dr. Shirley’s Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
Catch the latest episode of the Forever F.A.B. podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iheartradio, Podbean, Amazon podcasts, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. For past episodes featuring guest star interviews, beauty product reviews and innovations in plastic surgery, visit ForeverFABpodcast.com.
Call to Action:
You may follow Georgine on social: @georginestudio, and shop Georgine.com.
Our guest is graciously offering a 10% discount for our listeners if you use the code: ForeverFAB (one word) in an email.
If you liked this episode of the Fifteen Minutes of FAB on the Forever FAB podcast, please share it and subscribe to the feed.
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Review this episode by writing just one word to describe the value you got from listening today, and give this episode a five-star rating.
In case you missed it, listen to past episodes or check out who’s coming up next on foreverfabpodcast.com.
If you enjoy listening to the Forever F.A.B. podcast, get more audio and visuals with a membership through Patreon. Choose the Gold, Platinum, or Diamond tier for premium added content, special co-hosts, lifestyle videos, branded merchandise, and private access to my Clubhouse by visiting patreon.com/ForeverFAB.
If you are the Founder of or represent a beauty brand and want to be featured on an episode of the Forever FAB podcast segment of Fifteen Minutes of FAB, send me some stuff. Visit ForeverFABpodcast.com and fill out the Contact form.
For general holistic beauty tips or to set up an appointment with me to discuss your personalized options for leveling up your beauty, go to ElementsandGraces.com and sign up for my newsletter.
And for an online e-consultation on time, anytime and on your time, visit Click-Lift.com for your wellness, plastic surgery, and beauty questions on the go.
And… if you don’t want to go anywhere or leave your home, look out for Jet Set Beauty Rx offering mobile aesthetic medical services, such as injectable fillers and multi-vitamin facial treatments. Jet Set Beauty Rx is coming to your neighborhood soon.